This was a classic example of you don’t get what you don’t ask for. It also was a reminder that when you shoot what you want you can get paid for what you want to do.
Driving home I noticed that a tree was broken, that the branches were still alive but get who doesn’t want some free yard work done…. I pulled over asked the nice people if I could clean up their tree and brought the branches to the studio. @mike.ant helped me form a plan on how they could create a dope set and we built it.
I had worked with @shiedahobeauty and @thejbrisk in the past and reached out to see if they were down. They were…
The set up was pretty simple branches in the for and background to create depth.
Gelling the the fill and background light while using a large light source to neutralize the subject as a key light. the pink in the background that create a hot to neutral gradient is from a 1x3 strip in the back left of the frame.
Gelling a bare light in a can made for some easy top down contrast light on the flowers.
Lastly a ProfotoB10xPlus is inside a P65 Parabolix Light Super Mod for that silver specular smooth highlight. One of the things I love the most about the Parabolix Light product is the ability for Micro Adjustments. From inches on the mount, to feet with the focusing rod, to how easy the boom arm and extender are. You can be precise with your light.
Sometimes precision is what makes and breaks a picture.
As always …. shot at
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